Join us for an evening of music!
The FOG Trio has announced a brief tour this fall. Appearances have been scheduled in NYC, Washington DC and Boston. The FOG Cuartet is an evolution of the FOG Trio, " . a great group. " WNYC Four extraordinary musicians have come together to play a repertoire which seeks to bring the guitar into the mainstream of chamber music by including works of Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Ravel, etc., in short, the giants of the western classical tradition. Each member of the quartet brings a wealth of experience and their combined efforts make an unusual grouping of instruments into an extraordinary musical experience.
Flute, oboe,and guitar, the instruments themselves form the basis of the quartets name. Guitarist, Carter Huntley, tells a story of how the name came to him in a dream. “A man appeared before me on a flaming pie and said you will be The FOG Trio.” Mr. Huntley has performed for many years with the FOG Trio. .

While traveling in France last summer Mr. Huntley was made aware of a collector who held a manuscript of Fernando Carulli’s arrangement of Mozart’s Bb Piano Sonata for a quartet of instruments including the guitar. Mr. Huntley was allowed to copy the manuscript by hand and the quartet are presenting it this season. No record of a performance of the piece exists and these three concerts may well represent its premiere.

Also on the program are two arrangements of Mr. Huntley’s. The Bach Trio in G major was originally for organ, the Ravel Mother Goose Suite originally for piano four hands. Ravel himself made orchestral version of the suite. Two works of Paul Dolan (1955-1977) fill out the program Prelude & Song Without Words and 1 Prelude, 3 Dances. Carter Huntley has championed the music of Paul Dolan throughout his career, Mr. Dolan died tragically at the age of 22 leaving an astounding body work, without any apparent training in guitar or composition it remains a mystery how Dolan composed the works he did. At the premiere of Dolans Prelude & Song Without Words The Journal News wrote, " ...Dolan's music is vaguely akin to rock and roll but infinitely more subtle. "
Join The FOG Cuartet at one their three perfromances this fall and experience the excitment that is inherent in being present at the maiden voyage of what promises to be an exceptional group.
Upcoming Concerts
Friday October 26 8:00PM
Christ & St. Stephens NYC
122 W 69th Street
Friday November 2nd 8:00PM
The Lyceum, Alexandria
201 South Washington Street
Sunday November 4th 4:00PM
First Lutheran Church, Boston
299 Berkeley Street